Basel III Endgame
The Basel III Endgame marks a pivotal regulatory shift for US banks, introducing more stringent capital requirements and a risk-sensitive framework that will reshape how banks manage capital and risk The Basel III Endgame represents a significant regulatory overhaul impacting banks with $100 billion or more in assets. Released by the Federal Reserve, OCC, and […]
“Dynamic Named Entity Recognition“, Tristan Luiggi, Laure Soulier, Vincent Guigue, Aurélien Baelde, Siwar Jendoubi
Submitted to SAC 2023. The paper is in the review process.
“A Table Extraction Solution for Financial Spreading”, Duc-Tuyen Ta, Siwar Jendoubi, Aurélien Baelde
In proceeding of International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, pp. 100-111, August 2022
“SSFuzzyART: A Semi-Supervised Fuzzy ART Through Seeding Initialization”, Siwar Jendoubi, Aurélien Baelde
In proceeding of International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, pp. 735-747, July 2022
“Reconnaissance d’entités nommées contextualisées“, Tristan Luiggi, Laure Soulier, Vincent Guigue, Aurélien Baelde
Conférence sur l’Apprentissage automatique (CAp), July 2022
“Génération de données binaires groupées à partitionnement contrôlé et évaluation de l’impact des méthodes de réduction de dimension sur ce partitionnement”, Siwar Jendoubi, Ali Bellamlih Mamou, Aurélien Baelde,
In proceeding of Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances: Actes EGC’2021, pp. 339-346, August 2021